Ask Better Questions, Take Consistent Action, Transform Your Life

We're here to support you.

connection. curiosity. compassion. Celebration.

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Because rarely does your plan go as expected.

Ask for Help.

Get Support.

Because rarely does

your plan go as expected.

Executive Agenda | Group Mentoring

At EA, we are focused on shaping members into confident leaders, critical thinkers and problem solvers.

Get Unstuck Accountability Coaching

Stop delaying and stalling. Get the support you deserve to get the project done, habit built, or new routine established.

Courses and Workbooks

Easy to get started workbooks and courses so you get results NOW.


Topics include: Stress Reduction; Morning Routines

Executive Coaching

Discuss Your Business Obstacles,

Get Real Solutions

At Executive Agenda, we're structured around the simple concept of putting inquisitive,

non-competing professional peers together in confidential settings and letting them learn from each other.

Then, to top it off, we add the leadership and mentoring of a seasoned Group Chair or Executive Mentor.

At Executive Agenda, we're structured around the simple concept of putting inquisitive, non-competing professional peers together in confidential settings and letting them learn from each other.

Then, to top it off, we add the leadership and mentoring of a seasoned Group Chair or Executive Mentor.


Discover The Power Of

Creating Your


Morning Routine

Core Values...

Connection: The Heart's Bridge

Imagine life as a series of islands. Some are bustling with activities, while others are serene havens. The bridges between these islands? That's where connection comes into play. It's the unseen yet deeply felt bond that draws us closer, not just to others, but to our own inner selves. It's like finding a friend in a book character or feeling a song whisper directly to your heart. In coaching, connection is the golden thread that weaves through every conversation, empowering us to uncover truths hidden beneath layers of doubt or fear. It's about creating a safe space where souls speak freely, and true change begins with understanding and acceptance. Let's build bridges, not walls, and watch the magic unfold in the space between.

Curiosity: The Wonder Spark

Have you ever watched a child gaze at the stars or chase a butterfly? There's a sparkle in their eyes - a pure, unadulterated curiosity. Do you still have that kid-like wonder? It's this wonder that leads us to ask, "Why?" or "What if?" - questions that are the keys to unlocking the doors of possibility and growth. Are you eager, open and ever-questioning? In our journey together, curiosity is our compass, turning the journey of change into an adventure rather than a chore. It's about embracing the unknown with open arms and a playful smirk, knowing that each step, whether forward or backward, teaches us something invaluable. Let’s be endlessly curious together, for it's in seeking that we find our true selves.

Compassion: The Healing Embrace

Compassion is where the magic really happens. It's the gentle, yet powerful act of seeing beyond the surface (don’t judge a book by its cover), recognizing our shared humanity, and offering kindness to ourselves and others. Compassion reminds us that it's okay to be a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously. As your coach, I'll be with you every step of the way, celebrating your strengths, your stumbles and falls and your rising again. I will offer active listening, comforting encouragement, and reflective questions during the challenging moments. Together, we'll create a space where positive change begins, and where obstacles and challenges create stories of resilience and hope. Compassion is a critical component on the journey of change, for it is through understanding and kindness that true growth blooms.

Celebration: The Joy Dance

Life is not just a series of tasks to be completed but a collection of moments to be cherished. Celebration is about recognizing and reveling in the small victories and the monumental achievements alike. It's the high-fives for the little wins , the happy dances in the kitchen, and the heartfelt cheers with friends that fuel our spirit and inspire us to keep moving forward. Celebrating isn't about ignoring the struggles; it's about acknowledging the strength it took to overcome them. In our coaching adventure, every step forward is a reason to celebrate, for each step forward represents growth, learning, and the courage to strive for more. Let's sprinkle joy like confetti, celebrating not just the destination but the journey itself.

Get In Touch...


Phone Number: (608) 345-0334


Phone Number: (608) 345-0334

Find Your Next Steps Forward.

Connection. Curiosity. Compassion. Celebration.

Connection. Curiosity. Compassion. Celebration.

(608) 345-0334

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